Thanks Josh. 👍👍👍
Josh, does that spark arrester on the pony cut down on the bark? I dont mind the big engine sound but the pony is brutal. Interesting, Grant.
Josh, does that spark arrester on the pony cut down on the bark? I dont mind the big engine sound but the pony is brutal. Interesting, Grant.
Grant, I put a proper muffler on my D2 pony and it shuts it right up - you can hear yourself think with it.
Grant, I put a proper muffler on my D2 pony and it shuts it right up - you can hear yourself think with it.
yeah they deafen you without it.
it might sound strange but a bit of copper pipe works well as a muffler. especially if you cap the end and then come down a bit and drill several holes equal to the pipe area. so yes you need to use Pir2
What's Pir2, tk?