Placed this in the usual discussion forum in case people don’t read the stickies! Pete is hanging up his pencil and paper after long and distinguished service to the Club, his tireless efforts in taking minutes, organising and attending Board meetings will be hugely missed! Thank you for all the time you’ve put in Pete! Finding a replacement is our urgent task now, please could we ask for a volunteer willing to take on the role? Monthly online meetings with the Board, recording minutes and posting them on the website are the basic tasks required. If YOU think you can help us and join the merry band who attempt to steer the Club’s course and to help administer the background activities please get in touch, either by replying here, PM to any Board member or email [email protected]. Thank you! On a personal note I never thought that getting involved in the Club’s day to day running would be such a great use of time and be so rewarding so give it a try!