There are three panels on these machines. Are they the same as the ones on a D6 if this vintage?
Grader stuff is unique to themselves.
Interesting, I looked up panels for the 5vxxxx industrial. Shows same part number (4-req'd) 4F7544 as the grader RH side but they are not the same so watch out going by part number alone.
Thanks for the reply. I was just stabbing in the dark really. I figured as much. Thought I would connect a track type machine to my original question in hopes to get a response. Seems most (nearly all) interest here is towards track type tractors. Haven't been on here in a while and very little since 2006 because of that, and some other things I've noticed about this site. It seems to have a corporate "feel" to it. Very flashy if you will, with less substance. Cumbersome processes too, in my opinion. It's easier and faster to upload pictures to eBay or You Tube. Sorry if I have offended anyone but that's what I think. Won't be back much in the future if at all and I certainly won't be able to recommended acmoc any more either.