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End of chapters in ACMOC

End of chapters in ACMOC

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Send a private message to brewzer
Posts: 689
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I find it very strange that there has been no discussion of the chapters being dissolved . Not by the members or the officers or board memabers. My chapter no longer exists and I would guess most other USĀ  chapters don't either. I for one am dissappointed the way ACMOC is heading.
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Tue, Oct 10, 2023 1:22 AM
Deas Plant.
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Hi, brewzer.
Like you, I have noticed the 'quietness' but I have a suspicion that there are some wheels turning somewhere deep in the bowels of the organization to get this sorted out. After all, it is the chapters of the club and the membership thereof that keeps the club going.

Just my (current) 0.02.
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Tue, Oct 10, 2023 8:09 AM
Kurt Bangert
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, brewzer.
Like you, I have noticed the 'quietness' but I have a suspicion that there are some wheels turning somewhere deep in the bowels of the organization to get this sorted out. After all, it is the chapters of the club and the membership thereof that keeps the club going.

Just my (current) 0.02.
All the contract chapters are going strong and remain as always. The decisions made to dissolve chapters were made by the members of each of those chapters and no one else. Like you, I am disappointed to see that those decisions were made, when they did not have to be.

I am interested in where you think "ACMOC is heading".

Thank you for the comment,

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Tue, Oct 10, 2023 8:57 AM
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Send a private message to brewzer
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You say that contract chapters are going strong. Just how many contract chapters are going strong and how many other chaptersĀ  are no longer around.. Just how many chapters were dissolved. Our chapter found it financially unfeasible to become a contract chapter along with the other requirements. As far as where ACMOC is headed, You tell me..
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Tue, Oct 10, 2023 10:54 PM
Send a private message to DavidTallon
Posts: 25
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Reply to brewzer:
You say that contract chapters are going strong. Just how many contract chapters are going strong and how many other chaptersĀ  are no longer around.. Just how many chapters were dissolved. Our chapter found it financially unfeasible to become a contract chapter along with the other requirements. As far as where ACMOC is headed, You tell me..
I don't want to speak for other former subsidiary chapters, but I think it is a misrepresentation to say their termination was entirely up to them. The ACMOC BOD decided (for reasons that have been extensively explained) to end the existing subsidiary chapter option. Unfortunately, they also decided to dictate a solution to the situation without involving chapter leaders that volunteered to assist. Their proposal was more restrictive than even what existing contract chapters have. Feel free to correct me, but I believe that no subsidiary chapter successfully completed the transition process by the deadline imposed by the BOD, although at least one is still attempting it.

Fortunately, most of the people that were active in the chapters remain active in the hobby. Our chapter understood the necessity of changing how chapters were organized, but the way the changes were executed, and the way subsidiary chapters were treated, left us uninterested in undertaking the effort to continue an affiliation with ACMOC at this time. Our local Heartland Earthmover group will continue to get together at shows and support each other's Caterpillar projects, we just won't be doing it under the ACMOC banner.

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Wed, Oct 11, 2023 12:00 AM
Kurt Bangert
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Reply to DavidTallon:
I don't want to speak for other former subsidiary chapters, but I think it is a misrepresentation to say their termination was entirely up to them. The ACMOC BOD decided (for reasons that have been extensively explained) to end the existing subsidiary chapter option. Unfortunately, they also decided to dictate a solution to the situation without involving chapter leaders that volunteered to assist. Their proposal was more restrictive than even what existing contract chapters have. Feel free to correct me, but I believe that no subsidiary chapter successfully completed the transition process by the deadline imposed by the BOD, although at least one is still attempting it.

Fortunately, most of the people that were active in the chapters remain active in the hobby. Our chapter understood the necessity of changing how chapters were organized, but the way the changes were executed, and the way subsidiary chapters were treated, left us uninterested in undertaking the effort to continue an affiliation with ACMOC at this time. Our local Heartland Earthmover group will continue to get together at shows and support each other's Caterpillar projects, we just won't be doing it under the ACMOC banner.

Any member could have stepped forward with alternative solutions, there was no restriction or disinterest on the Board's part. No one did that. I am still wide open to alternatives if they exist, any member that has been sitting on a proposal for an alternative structure should bring it forward. I am serious, if you have a better way, make it known.

I have offered my assistance to anyone that needed it, only one asked for it and they got it. I have had suggestions that we should have taken one chapter through the process so the others could see that it was possible, yet no one offered to be that chapter to go first, I would have gladly assisted as I have stated from the beginning.

As far as timeline goes, there was ample time allowed, many did not talk with their members until 2+ months into the process. When a chapter handicaps themselves by allowing 2/3's of the time to go by then I would agree, they are not allowing enough time to get it done, but that was not a decision or requirement that came from the BoD.

The bottom line is that the change was needed for the future of the club and proper governance of the club. Of the people that I consulted, that understand non-profit chapter systems, every single person agreed without question that a contract chapter structure was the only real choice and the only prudent choice for the club. I fully understand that the Chapters and their leaders don't like it, I don't either, I wish this had been addressed a long time ago or that the subsidiary system had never been introduced, but it was and a correction at this time was not optional.

The club is made up of many members, only a fraction of the overall membership is a member of a chapter, decisions have to be made in the interest of the entirety of the membership and not one subset of members.

As far as where the club is going: We have in the last 12 months gone from being in the red each and every month to having a profit each month, our financial picture has turned around for the much better. Our membership is up about 10% from a year ago and with the reconstitution of Chapter 2, it will be closer to 15%. The library has grown by a few hundred documents, we have a YouTube Channel and we are putting out a monthly electronic newsletter via email. All things we did not have last year. We continue to deliver a quality magazine four times per year, something not available anywhere else. You will also see in the next issue of the magazine a significant new show policy and club support of them.

Anyone that is concerned about the direction of the club, or has ideas they would like to see put into action, there are plenty of places to volunteer and anyone can throw their hat in the ring for a board seat.
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Wed, Oct 11, 2023 2:35 AM
Send a private message to Cysco
Posts: 870
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Reply to DavidTallon:
I don't want to speak for other former subsidiary chapters, but I think it is a misrepresentation to say their termination was entirely up to them. The ACMOC BOD decided (for reasons that have been extensively explained) to end the existing subsidiary chapter option. Unfortunately, they also decided to dictate a solution to the situation without involving chapter leaders that volunteered to assist. Their proposal was more restrictive than even what existing contract chapters have. Feel free to correct me, but I believe that no subsidiary chapter successfully completed the transition process by the deadline imposed by the BOD, although at least one is still attempting it.

Fortunately, most of the people that were active in the chapters remain active in the hobby. Our chapter understood the necessity of changing how chapters were organized, but the way the changes were executed, and the way subsidiary chapters were treated, left us uninterested in undertaking the effort to continue an affiliation with ACMOC at this time. Our local Heartland Earthmover group will continue to get together at shows and support each other's Caterpillar projects, we just won't be doing it under the ACMOC banner.

Very well stated Dave Tallon.Ā  Spring is not far off I hope to see you at a couple shows.
Have a good day Bill
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Wed, Oct 11, 2023 5:26 AM
Topic Author
Send a private message to brewzer
Posts: 689
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Right on Dave Tallon! So I will ask my question again. How many contract chapters are there in acmoc and how many subsidiary chapters quit.
Wally Adams
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Wed, Oct 11, 2023 5:34 AM
Kurt Bangert
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Posts: 496
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You can find out what chapters remain by clicking the link above.

Every one conveniently ignores my comments on delivering an alternative solution and the fact that no one started the process until it was very late in the time frame, among other things.

I get that there are a number of members that don't like it, and it's very easy to blame me and the BoD, I say then be part of the solution, it's easy to complain without offering constructive assistance toward an end result that everyone likes.

Once again, if someone knows of a better solution, put it on the table.
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Wed, Oct 11, 2023 7:21 AM
Send a private message to ChuckC
Posts: 138
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Reply to brewzer:
Right on Dave Tallon! So I will ask my question again. How many contract chapters are there in acmoc and how many subsidiary chapters quit.
Wally Adams
Kurt, I know several members that tried to volunteer. but for some reason they were rejected.
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Wed, Oct 11, 2023 7:23 AM
Kurt Bangert
Send a private message to Kurt Bangert
Posts: 496
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Reply to Kurt Bangert:
You can find out what chapters remain by clicking the link above.

Every one conveniently ignores my comments on delivering an alternative solution and the fact that no one started the process until it was very late in the time frame, among other things.

I get that there are a number of members that don't like it, and it's very easy to blame me and the BoD, I say then be part of the solution, it's easy to complain without offering constructive assistance toward an end result that everyone likes.

Once again, if someone knows of a better solution, put it on the table.
To directly answer your question, here is a list of the chapters that could not find 8-10 hours of time and raise $500-$1,000 to make the change to a contract chapter:

Chapter 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24 ,25, 26

I hope I did not leave anyone out.

Note that not one of them offered an alternative solution nor asked for assistance or more time.
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Wed, Oct 11, 2023 7:34 AM
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