I have find a picture from an real grader with elevator:
Hi, Graderfan.
I was there on the day and the weekend that your second video was shot. They eventually started loading into a LeTournueau model M scraper drawn by a 3T D7, which I operated for part of the weekend. They were using that area as a 'borrow pit' to build up another area for a car park. It was at a vintage machinery show held at Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, in 2005. The D8 pulling the elevating grader had been re-powered with a Cat D17000 V8 diesel.
Just my 0.02.
1957 worked on McDougal Hartman, Peoria contractor job, brought in a Dumore machine to load borrow dirt. Would fill two axle Ford dump truck much quicker than No6 Cat high lift.
Here a link to a picture with a Domor elevating attachment:
dunno if you have seen this thread started some time ago with some pictures of the Dumore grader attachment on a 12 Grader I think it is
I reckon the bloke in the picture would have done some hours and could have told some stories
In earlier years it was used on german Graders also. I have find a photo from a Frisch Grader with a elevating attachment: