Tim, I am going to try this method for cleaning out the gas tank on my CAT22. Sounds pretty simple. I found a discussion with instructions and a schematic of how to do it. Ray
Right now I have set up in a 10 gallon cooler filled with water and a couple of cups of washing soda to make the water conductive.
Then I have four pieces of plate 1/4 by 2 long enough to stick up out of the cooler then connected them with 10 gauge copper wire .
10 amp battery charger, positive on the flat iron,each piece in the corner of the cooler. The negative connected to the piece to be cleaned.
the cleaning process works in a line of sight anode to cathode so you might have to move or rotate your piece to be cleaned.
One fellow said he uses a 55 gallon drum to make the current work in all directions Ill try that later right now Im cleaning the filter housing off the d-8 trany so I just have the one item and its doing a fine job .
Today the chickens knocked over the battery charger so it shut down early ,got home started it back up and put an electrode inside the housing to work there.
Sure is doing a fine job. The only thing that concerns me is hydrogen embrittlement but from what I have read it occures more at high voltages and certain metals.
I may bake it out when I am done not sure yet.
They say it works well on fuel tanks ,lots to read pros and cons on this subject.