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Election Results

Election Results

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Send a private message to haberaj
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As many readers of the bulletin board are aware, members and non members, a great deal of conversation as of late had been devoted to the perceived misdeeds and backroom deals that a vocal few members have put forth as to the conspiracy by the "good old boys" to control the club. I will acknowledge that and make no further mention of it. This message is one of moving forward and creating change for the long term viability of the organization.
Reflecting back on this past years election several events took place that all came to a head at one time.
1 person out of 2900 people volunteered their time to help in running the club in time to have their name placed on the official ballot, that is a fact.
Due to past practices several write in candidates were placed into the process through the voting process.
In consideration of having 5 write in candidates I reviewed the bylaws and brought up that we elect a Slate of candidates and that write in's were not allowed by our bylaws. Only those on the printed ballot card could be "elected", and it would either be a Yes or No vote.
Acting in what the Entire board believed was correct in accordance with Oregon Non Profit law, the board continued the terms of the 2 expiring directors, knowing our bylaws had a 2 term limit, this was only an issue for 1 of those 2 individuals.
This is where the train fell off the tracks.
What has happened since has been almost 2 months of accusation, finger pointing, grudges, and I will admit, some good conversation and some ideas. We need more of the later and less of the former to move the club forward to not only survive, but to thrive and grow. There have been more emails and phone calls over this subject than most of the board has ever gotten. A great deal of discussion has taken place, as well as phone interviews, question and answer sessions, and clarifications as to points of understanding and disagreement.
Resulting from all of this I will announce the following changes to the Board of Directors.
Mike Jacobs has resigned, he had 1 year remaining on his first elected term.
Terry Welch has resigned, he had been appointed in 2018 to fill the non elected 3 year directors position.
Jan Meermans has resigned, he had been appointed in 2018 to fill the non elected 3 year directors position.

Jan Meermans was re-appointed to fill a 1 year term in 2019 and stand for election for 2020 if he so desires. Jan was one of the write in candidates.
Sue Westwood was appointed to fill a 1 year term in 2019 and stand for election for 2010 if she so desires. Sue was one of the write in candidates.
Nathan Duncan was appointed to fill a 1 year term in 2019 and stand for election for 2020 if he so desires. Nathan was one of the write in candidates.
Neil Clydsdale was elected to a 3 year term. Neil will not be eligible for re-election as this is his second term.

What does all of this mean? In 2020 the election ballot will need to contain a slate of candidates, no write in's, the ballots will probably have to mailed to each individual and returned within 30 days according to our bylaws, there will need to be a total of 5 candidates on the ballot next year, in addition to our 3 above named appointee's, Trish Walker is also coming up for reelection, and I am on my last year.

What do we need right now? We need to work together, not drive apart, we all have our differences, but we do have one thing in common, we all like Caterpillar, Holt and Best products, some of us actually like each other as well. What can you do to help with this? Offer yourself, participate on the BB, send stories to the magazine, take part in the operations of the club.
Friday evening (US) the board is meeting to determine committee structure for the coming year. Participating on a committee is an excellent way to stop the backroom and good old boys club from controlling the club. There are committee's on Merchandise, Show Planning, Magazine, Website, Membership, Scholarship, Nominating, Finance, Tractor Identification that are all welcome to and looking for members to join, all of us may learn something from each other. If you have a problem with something, work to change it, don't complain about it.

Andrew Haberle
Antique Caterpillar Machinery Owners Club
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Fri, Jan 11, 2019 9:14 AM
Send a private message to Rodten
Posts: 343
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Amen Andrew, and thanks for your service.

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Fri, Jan 11, 2019 9:53 AM
Deas Plant.
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Reply to Rodten:
Amen Andrew, and thanks for your service.

Hi, Andy.
Thank you for the update. Now let us see if we can move ahead in some sort of peace and harmony.

Just my 0.02.
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Fri, Jan 11, 2019 10:05 AM
Send a private message to josh
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Reply to Rodten:
Amen Andrew, and thanks for your service.

I am glad to see some progress in solving the election problem.

There are many different levels of involvement in time and resources that people have to give, and the opinions and ideas of everyone involved should be considered if this is a club that is to serve all its members.

I think that doing away with write in candidates is a big mistake and could even further erode the confidence in the board, if there are no write in slots, it really makes it so only board approved people can be elected, and other problems. If the bylaws don't allow write ins, then change the bylaws to allow write in's, and figure out how that should be dealt with in the next election, after all write in's are the will of the paying members.
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Fri, Jan 11, 2019 10:30 AM
Send a private message to Hutchy
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Thank you so much for getting on top of this guys. We knew you could do it now let’s move forward and build that wall, I mean move forward and make ACMOC great again.😂👍
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Fri, Jan 11, 2019 6:04 PM
Send a private message to ronm
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Reply to Hutchy:
Thank you so much for getting on top of this guys. We knew you could do it now let’s move forward and build that wall, I mean move forward and make ACMOC great again.😂👍
Thank you, Andrew. Good to know things are moving in the right direction.
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Fri, Jan 11, 2019 8:05 PM
Send a private message to chuckb
Posts: 339
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Reply to ronm:
Thank you, Andrew. Good to know things are moving in the right direction.
thanks Andy i do appreciate the thoughts on the matter lets go forward and make this work chuck bogar
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Fri, Jan 11, 2019 11:00 PM
Mike Meyer
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Reply to chuckb:
thanks Andy i do appreciate the thoughts on the matter lets go forward and make this work chuck bogar
Brilliant news, common sense has prevailed, both Sue and Nate will bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the Board, and add greater depth to the skill set, I thank the retiring Directors for their past efforts and look forward to hearing more good news from ACMOC.
Mike Meyer
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Sat, Jan 12, 2019 2:55 AM
Topic Author
Send a private message to haberaj
Posts: 101
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Reply to Mike Meyer:
Brilliant news, common sense has prevailed, both Sue and Nate will bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the Board, and add greater depth to the skill set, I thank the retiring Directors for their past efforts and look forward to hearing more good news from ACMOC.
Mike Meyer
Good Day

Friday evening US, the Board met to determine the assignments to committee's. Not withstanding Wombats post regarding volunteers for the committees, the following positions were determined as chairs, the general duties of each committee are also included.

Finance, Insurance and Compensation, Chaired by Sue Westwood
Reports on finances and insurance issues, provides forecasts and recommendations regarding issues relating to these.
Models and Merchandise, Chaired by Bill Amaducci
Determines model program, reproduction parts, apparel and assorted merchandise manufacture and sales
Magazine and Website, Chaired by Jan Meermans
Determines content of magazine, proofreading of issues, operation of the Bulleting Board
Membership, Chaired by Neil Clydsdale
Works to increase membership, determines reasons for loss, recommends forward thinking strategies relating to membership benefits
Nominating, Chaired by Bryan Immick
Reviews nominations to the board, vets the candidates, recommends the slate of candidates to the Board, determines member of the year and show related awards in conjunction with the show committee
International Governance, Chaired by Trish Walker
Works to increase non U.S. membership, determines issues and possible solutions relating to international members
Shows, Chaired by Roger Thieling
Works to align a roster of future events and shows in a rotation across the U.S., Works with chapters as to requirements and needs for each location, recommends show awards
Scholarship, Chaired by Andy Haberle
Reviews applicants for the scholarship program, makes nominee recommendations and award amounts to the Board
501c3, Chaired by Sue Westwood
Evaluates donations to ACMOC as to suitability, makes recommendation to the Board regarding acceptance
Trademark and Licensing, Chaired by Nathan Duncan
Manages the direct relationship with Caterpillar regarding the use of the Caterpillar Trademark
Equipment ID, chaired by Bill Amaducci
Handles inquiries form members and non members regarding information about machinery, does not give estimated values or appraisals
Executive, Chaired by Andy Haberle
Makes recommendations to the Board regarding matters related o the overall operation of the club
Past Presidents, Chaired by Andy Haberle
Consulting resource for the current president with the 3 immediate past presidents.

ACMOC is step up in a committee/ management structure, much of the work is accomplished in the committee's and then reported to the Board for final action. Some committee positions demand quite a bit of time, other not so much, but both are dependent on your willingness to commit.
If you have an interest in contributing to the operation of the club, please feel free to contact the Director that chairs the area to get yourself involved.

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Sun, Jan 13, 2019 8:43 PM
Send a private message to mog5858
Posts: 1,323
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Reply to haberaj:
Good Day

Friday evening US, the Board met to determine the assignments to committee's. Not withstanding Wombats post regarding volunteers for the committees, the following positions were determined as chairs, the general duties of each committee are also included.

Finance, Insurance and Compensation, Chaired by Sue Westwood
Reports on finances and insurance issues, provides forecasts and recommendations regarding issues relating to these.
Models and Merchandise, Chaired by Bill Amaducci
Determines model program, reproduction parts, apparel and assorted merchandise manufacture and sales
Magazine and Website, Chaired by Jan Meermans
Determines content of magazine, proofreading of issues, operation of the Bulleting Board
Membership, Chaired by Neil Clydsdale
Works to increase membership, determines reasons for loss, recommends forward thinking strategies relating to membership benefits
Nominating, Chaired by Bryan Immick
Reviews nominations to the board, vets the candidates, recommends the slate of candidates to the Board, determines member of the year and show related awards in conjunction with the show committee
International Governance, Chaired by Trish Walker
Works to increase non U.S. membership, determines issues and possible solutions relating to international members
Shows, Chaired by Roger Thieling
Works to align a roster of future events and shows in a rotation across the U.S., Works with chapters as to requirements and needs for each location, recommends show awards
Scholarship, Chaired by Andy Haberle
Reviews applicants for the scholarship program, makes nominee recommendations and award amounts to the Board
501c3, Chaired by Sue Westwood
Evaluates donations to ACMOC as to suitability, makes recommendation to the Board regarding acceptance
Trademark and Licensing, Chaired by Nathan Duncan
Manages the direct relationship with Caterpillar regarding the use of the Caterpillar Trademark
Equipment ID, chaired by Bill Amaducci
Handles inquiries form members and non members regarding information about machinery, does not give estimated values or appraisals
Executive, Chaired by Andy Haberle
Makes recommendations to the Board regarding matters related o the overall operation of the club
Past Presidents, Chaired by Andy Haberle
Consulting resource for the current president with the 3 immediate past presidents.

ACMOC is step up in a committee/ management structure, much of the work is accomplished in the committee's and then reported to the Board for final action. Some committee positions demand quite a bit of time, other not so much, but both are dependent on your willingness to commit.
If you have an interest in contributing to the operation of the club, please feel free to contact the Director that chairs the area to get yourself involved.

thanks Andy for the info as it help's keep up to date on what's going on so we are not surprised when things change. a few thoughts not sure if you can / will change them but having to have the ballets back in 30 days i feel might not work for any international members as we in Canada usually get a magazine about 2 weeks after the U.S members. i do not see why you would have a spot to not vote for someone? the yes/no thing ? seems like that's not needed. as we now know with not being able to have a write in candidate i share the concerns as Josh that some Vetting could be done with the candidate's names that show up on the card. i am in no way saying that is being done or would be. i just feel the way i read that it leaves the door open.
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Mon, Jan 14, 2019 3:39 AM
Send a private message to Rodten
Posts: 343
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Reply to mog5858:
thanks Andy for the info as it help's keep up to date on what's going on so we are not surprised when things change. a few thoughts not sure if you can / will change them but having to have the ballets back in 30 days i feel might not work for any international members as we in Canada usually get a magazine about 2 weeks after the U.S members. i do not see why you would have a spot to not vote for someone? the yes/no thing ? seems like that's not needed. as we now know with not being able to have a write in candidate i share the concerns as Josh that some Vetting could be done with the candidate's names that show up on the card. i am in no way saying that is being done or would be. i just feel the way i read that it leaves the door open.
Just a thought here but could the ballet be placed in the members section of the website for all. This would allow international members to vote before receiving the ballot in the magazine I they would like. Thus keeping the 30 day election timeframe. Not sure of how to check for double vote of paper and on line, but the was of the website, non postal fee may increase the number of votes received.

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Mon, Jan 14, 2019 3:51 AM
Showing 1 to 10 of 12 results
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