Hi OM,
I am aware that I can do that but I do not wish to make older posts redundant due to no pix/scans for future research by others.
I find it frustrating to go to older posts and find said items mentioned as being attached are now gone.
It leads me to believe that people do not use the Search Function partly because of this issue and so we deal with the same queries on a weekly basis it seems at times. Putting attachments to these multiple posts, even though they have been loaded previously, does not seem to increase the storage value BUT the system blocks us out from duplicating due to limited ability of storage issued us.
This issue has come up a few times in the past and we were assured it had been addressed.
Anyway my thoughts.
Best Regards,
Eddie B.
Sorry but I thought we were arranging to "fix" your cache so you had more space. I will stir up the "fixers" to follow-up on your issue. We want to save your input over the years too. We are building new software and will need to figure out how to best migrate the information into the new system. Keep you fingers crossed that we can do that. The answer MAY be that we will need to await the new software which is not too far away.
Sorry but I thought we were arranging to "fix" your cache so you had more space. I will stir up the "fixers" to follow-up on your issue. We want to save your input over the years too. We are building new software and will need to figure out how to best migrate the information into the new system. Keep you fingers crossed that we can do that. The answer MAY be that we will need to await the new software which is not too far away.
Hi Jan,
I thought we had this fixed last time that the people doing the BB upgrades would manually reset our caches so we could continue without having to "stir the pot"
I also need to slow up a bit and realise it is Easter and things may take longer but I have stirred the pot for a week or so now--Rant Over--now to get back under my rock to sit this out a bit calmer.
Thanks again for your valued assistance.
Best Regards,
Eddie B.
Yah!!!! I got the same line about a year ago. Wound up dumping a bunch of attachments to continue.
Jan...seems you can't even keep your PM box cleared for response..........nuts!!!
Aah, this thread explains why when I search the BB for old posts there are no photos attached that are referred to in the text.
Hey Deebo, ACMOC has been going broke the past few years and our new Board are doing their best to turn the sinking ship around, but we need more ACMOC guest members like you and Blakeystew, guys who have been getting a lot of free expert advice on how to repair your old Cats, to stump up the $40 or what ever it is and become financial members, that we way we might be able to afford the new software upgrades, we have thousands of guest members and increasing monthly, but sadly a steadily falling number of paying members like me who keep the doors open.
All the best
[quote="Mike Meyer"]Hey Deebo, ACMOC has been going broke the past few years and our new Board are doing their best to turn the sinking ship around, but we need more ACMOC guest members like you and Blakeystew, guys who have been getting a lot of free expert advice on how to repair your old Cats, to stump up the $40 or what ever it is and become financial members, that we way we might be able to afford the new software upgrades, we have thousands of guest members and increasing monthly, but sadly a steadily falling number of paying members like me who keep the doors open.
All the best
Makes perfect sense, rest assured I shall be joining as the tech help alone has made this mandatory. Just got to wait until finances improve with the current crisis. All extraneous expenses vetoed by HQ..
The day is coming (I hope) when technical advice will require at least a BB membership. At that point I will not respond unless I see membership after a couple of (free) posts. To cheap to join, to cheap to buy a manual and can't even supply a s/n has run its coarse.