Thanks for posting the pics. Would it be possible to get a disk with all of your pictures?
We had a lot of fun planning and putting on this show. I think we did OK for a small first time show. I keep getting requests to put on another Best Show on Tracks type show. Boy was that ever a lot of work but it was one hell of a turn out of Best, Holt, Cat and other rare machines. Only time will tell if we could ever pull off a show of that magnitude again. If we did I would like to think we could turn out 500 😈 Best, Holt and Cat machines instead of the 354 or so machines that we had in 2008. That would require lots of folks bringing out lots of additional stuff.
Again, thanks for posting those great pictures. I believe there are 2 different videos that are in the works that captured the show. I have heard that they will be out shortly.👍
hello bobk ,thank you for posting the pic ,nice tractor line up 👍,bruce oz