Reply to Old Magnet:
Never could figure out why Cat used an odd ball diameter shaft and bushing there....0.889" dia. if I remember right. Easy change to 1" dia.
Used a "Nomex" bushing that does not require lube. Will see how it works out.
Thanks for everyone's help.
Old magnet thanks for the info on the sizes of the parts diameter it made the decision on how to proceed.
Chriscokid Well granted next to making a hitch pin on a lathe this is probably the easiest part a person could make for their tractor.
However I have a lot of things on my plate.. and only a few weeks ago I couldn't even stand long enough in front of the lathe to make the part. Sometimes I have found that for simple common hardware parts sometimes it is cheaper going directly through Cat when you look at the big picture of time spent modifying a part that is close and shipping on top of that.
Many times I am lucky enough to get enough time to remove and install parts let alone get out there and make a $20 part. Since I am stuck in an office I can go online and get everything lined up for the next weekend. Plus the shipping is free from cat..
The shaft on mine ended up being a 7/8 (.875) hardened Dowel pin and there was a steel bushing in the handle. I don't know the whole story on this particular tractor other than I got it out of the junk pile 20 years ago at a fab shop. The owner of that shop dragged it out of a buddies orchard that was in Santa Clara a few years prior. All I can say is this tractors sheet metal had some major scarring externally as there was not one piece of straight tinwork on it other than the dash.
The shaft was hardened to an average 50Rc throughout so I hard turned it down on the lathe into the .850 range to where it cleaned up where the bushing rides. One end had a hand ground taper. For the bushing I just made a bushing out of some SAE 841(graphite impregnated) Bronze that I had laying around. I was debating going with some PTFE impregnated bronze but it's such an easy part to replace it wasn't worth ordering something else.