Thanks edb, I. would be interested in converting to dry filter on my D4. If anyone has done this and has pictures it would be nice to see them. I will do some searching to see if there is anything in the archives. Perhaps it is not a good idea to do such a conversion. I am sure there are pros and cons.
D4 U series can be converted to a. D4D dry cleaner very easily we converted a D4. 7U back in the eighties we pulled a 10ft 6 inch offset disk in almond orchards. That tractor picked up a gear 3rd to 4th NEVER any problems, I will NOT run a oil bath air cleaner on any engine I care about or put any money into!! 17afarmer Mike
Thank You, I will see what I can dig up in the archives for what would be required for that conversion.
If I remember right we cut the air cleaner pipe got a 90 degree elbow turned it to the right we had to service from the right hand side. other than making the flange doing some cutting and welding was nothing that took any special parts other than the D4D air cleaner can. This tractor was tail seat orchard 7U controls a lot different than yours, that little D4 was quite a tractor would put a lot of these new “modern” wheel rigs to shame!! 17afarmer Mike
Here's a picture of my D4 6U with dry type air cleaner. It's what it came with but I'd just as soon have the later tall oil bath cleaner. You soon learn about knuckle clearance with this arrangement. [attachment=61820]Copy of DCP_0278.JPG[/attachment]![]()