Hi, DPete.
Lookin' neat, both the job and the outfit. That recycled concrete FCR (fine crushed rock) is good stuff. I have found DowNunda that, if you can get it fresh enough after the crushing, you can lay it down, get it compacted, water it well and leave it for a week or so and the cement powder will begin 'doing its thang' all over again and go some way to binding it together again. This seems to work best in layers of around 6" and above.
We often use it for base course in 2-layer pavement with normal FCR on top or as the bedding layer under concrete pavement.
Just my 0.02.
Trouble with re con is the cement dust when dry, if we could top the re con with asphalt millings that would help the dust, can't have everything I guess. No way to keep cars or Harley clean in the dry months. We live in the far left house with tan roof. No neighbors to bother LOL
The D4 and BeGee look as good as they did at Tulare a few years ago. I never forget how good it made me look as an operator. A sweet setup indeed.
Good looking setup there, looks like a good job too.
Nice outfit! You can top coat road with SC800 asphalt emulsion, that should take care of the dust.
I love it. Nice pairing there; I’m guessing that is your C series from the air cleaner location? I can’t see the front. Mine is #4700, without a dentless fuel tank of course.
I also note the spacer tube adapters for the wheel spacing. Is that factory BeGe, or did you make those? When I had my Porter scraper built, I had mine narrowed to 8’, but can widen if needed.
Good eye Juiceman, I spaced the wheels in to 8' so it would be easy to load on a trailer, the BeGee is 10' D4C 40A
you could also treat the RCA with calcium or sodium chloride in the summer to keep the dust down---we used that to increase the moisture content of soils up to optimum for compaction tests while keeping the dust down at the same time