Sounds like your getting snow packed in the tracks and the sprockets are snapping.
Do you have "Snow Holes" in the track plates? They are supposed to let the packed snow go through the track instead of packing and tightening the track. In some snow conditions, even that won't help.
when you have snow packed in the tracks,sprocket idler and rollers it tightens the track up, which pulls the idler back and compresses the spring. What you here is the track tensioner assembly snapping back forward
I do have snow holes in my tracks. Holy cats that's some force to make such a sound. It doesn't sound metallic or "distructive" but it takes me by surprise. I'm just gun shy about throwing a track again. It was my first time as well. It was dusk after a day of snow removal, windy and zero degrees air temp. So i'm hoping to avoid a replay of that night...
that is many tons of force to compress that spring---just make gentle wide turns when working in snow to keep the tracks on