Ok as part of this rehoming as some saw in the for sale section, I need some help identifying the rams on this big 20. It has a home made/modified dozer lift assembly. It reminds me of the military TD-6 early version that Bucyrus Eerie made on the IH and some D4's also.
The brackets are all home made/modified so not much interest there I'm thinking, but can somebody help me with the rams?
I would love to get them to someone who can use them. Low pressure and they have really nice intact data plates on them. I'll post some pictures here to try and help. Thanks!
If it was, (which is very possible) then it had to be an old dump truck!!
Old, but not as old as the tractor. Have a couple of late forties or early fifties trucks with St Paul scissor type hoists under them. That tag looks familiar although it has been a long time since I have crawled under one to add oil through that pipe plug shown.