Nope. You're the only one 😂😂😂 Well hang in there. I think anything is better than the gas axe. Not too many of those around, at least here in Canada. I have seen only two in my area of British Columbia.
I’ll stick to dozers, don’t get mad when you leave them in the shed for a while!!
Does anybody have their serial no book handy for a build date please, I’d like to try and find some history to, I’d say ended up in Oz after the war maybe ex pacific fleet. Has the usual US7 stamped on the winch.
There’s a rear single drum PCU (Letorneau) and a logging Winch
Sorry pic is sideways.
Also picked up the operators instruction to
Might try and pop the head off for a look over the next couple of days. I’ll keep you posted
Hi Hutchy,
The book says it was made in 1934.
Great find ,it looks almost complete too.
So ti will be running for the next Lake Goldsmith?
Well done Mark. Going to take a few wet days to get that one done. Looks a lot wetter than here where you picked that one up.
Due to covid restrictions I can't come and help you sorry.
cheers Col
Well done Hutchy, looks like a straight old Cat compared to the rubbish I drag home, shouldn't take you long to get her purring again.
Good luck