Reply to ccjersey:
the governor pulley can be opened up and filled with oil to lube it for the next 50 years. It only takes a teaspoonful or two.
Thanks Guys
I got the dash off (possibly could have gotten at the latch cover with the dash on but would have had a hell of a job doing anything through it) and cleaned the crud, oiled the governor pulley and adjusted the latches.
It took a lot long than it should have cause the pony decided to "pull a sickie" on me and took about an hour to start. That'll teach me for not checking its fuel level before commencing operations (it was all but empty) and then over filling and flooding it I think).
Any how the latching has me a bit puzzled. I tried 1/2 a turn each side, still not holding, then another. still not holding, then another . . . several iterations. Finally the latches held and then wouldn't release, I shut things down very quick. Next attempt they did release and I loosened them 1/2 a turn. Anyhow I think there is something else going on, as they are not "latching" consistently as I lift the lever up. Could I have something not set right in the clutch ?? Maybe they are just worn, is this common ??
Cheers - Foster