Reply to Rome K/G:
This is a Precision Pipeline letter head not a bogus write up!
Hello Rome K/G. I myself had the same issue like over a decade ago. Balfour Beatty needed to upgrade the Pipe work for a Natural Spring Water Pipe running thou our land to the River. Like now 12 inch Bore and 2 6ft Dia. Concrete Ring Drop Shafts Set ups They worked on site at my Place and used my place to Access the Drop Shaft Next doors land was a 80ft Drop Chamber.
I myself Had no problem with Balfour Beatty doing work on my land. Easement Right of Way Deal when we purchased. But Fact many local persons was not happy with the Heavy Trucks at 6.00 am unloading materials at my place.
Day One. My wife made like a Tea Pot full of Tea, and offered Biscuits and Cakes. Too be Told “ Sorry Love We Cannot accept any Food or Drinks on this Job Company Policy !! So Rome K/G Its Good to see your Warning Sign about accepting Drinks or Food.
I noticed Empty Cans of Guinness Original Draught in a Can. With 1/2 the crew speaking Irish. LOL. So I Said to wife Buy a 24 Can Case of Guinness Original Draught in a Can I am SURE the Crew will enjoy. Ended up with like 600 ton of MOT Trucked In. with a can we leave the extra 20 ton On Site deal// Worked for me.
Now Guinness have Invented the Zero Alcohol Guinness still all rich in iron and minerals
FACT. Big issue with girls and guys getting there drinks SPIKED with drugs been an issue to watch (YOUR DRINK)_ in bars and nightclubs for like the last 30 years this side ..
My Cousin visited pre xmas from USA I offered her a box of Bug Light Bottles, in returning for a couple of Fan Belts from CAT in luggage deal.. So my Cousin from USA . When Opening a TWIST Off BUD LIGHT Beer bottle WARNED Myself (Make Sure you Here the Pressure noise when opening a TWIST OFF Bottle of Made In USA. Could be Spiked.
Cans from Drinks factory are All Good. Crimp on Drinks Caps are Safe from Factory .. Twist off Metal Caps WARNING. Might have been Un Twisted and Twisted without you knowing. WARNING.
Hey Rome K/G . I invested in a Tassimo Coffee Pod Machine in my Shop So when Visitors call by. Fresh Costa Large Vanilla Latte and Jacobs Cappuccino. Cadbury Hot Chocolate a Classic
Made all fresh in front of you. .
Working on Making a FRESH Wild Black Berry and Apple Crumble Pie. Option Ice Cream or Cream ?
Any Advice