It sounds like it is cranking fast enough to me.
I don't know what the temperature is like there, but I sort of wonder if you don't have enough heat in the engine to get it running.
Also, maybe consider trying different throttle positions while cranking. Maybe you have too much fuel or too little...
I am kind of a noob though. I put an electric start on my D6 5R. It has no glow plugs and when I tried cranking in the 60-70 degree weather I had yesterday it didn't seem like enough heat to start. I think if I cranked it for maybe a few minutes it maybe eventually would have gotten enough heat to start, but instead of seeing how long it would crank before the batteries were drained, I fired up the pony to heat up the intake and radiator fluid. After running the pony a few minutes, I crank the engine and it starts.
You have to consider that hot air is what makes combustion happen in a diesel. So, the hotter the better. Maybe see if you can heat up the engine more instead of just using the glow plugs if you have them.
[quote="BigAgCat"]It sounds like it is cranking fast enough to me.
I don't know what the temperature is like there, but I sort of wonder if you don't have enough heat in the engine to get it running.
Also, maybe consider trying different throttle positions while cranking. Maybe you have too much fuel or too little...
I am kind of a noob though. I put an electric start on my D6 5R. It has no glow plugs and when I tried cranking in the 60-70 degree weather I had yesterday it didn't seem like enough heat to start. I think if I cranked it for maybe a few minutes it maybe eventually would have gotten enough heat to start, but instead of seeing how long it would crank before the batteries were drained, I fired up the pony to heat up the intake and radiator fluid. After running the pony a few minutes, I crank the engine and it starts.
You have to consider that hot air is what makes combustion happen in a diesel. So, the hotter the better. Maybe see if you can heat up the engine more instead of just using the glow plugs if you have them.[/quote]
In Hawaii it can cold and wet of course not what I am use to ie the east coast (New Jersey). But something sitting around and not getting warm metal stays cold... Thank you for your advice it is good advice.. It seems like warming her up would be the best course as she just goes and goes and goes but no boom... It was super close and I bet it was because she was as hot as she has been... I will take your advice and try the weed burner trick...
Are you getting a lot of white smoke while it is cranking? If not, you are not getting fuel to the injectors. Your video does not show the stack exhaust which tells if fuel is present. Give it a little ether. If it fires on ether that helps warm things up in there.
[quote="janmeermans"]Are you getting a lot of white smoke while it is cranking? If not, you are not getting fuel to the injectors. Your video does not show the stack exhaust which tells if fuel is present. Give it a little ether. If it fires on ether that helps warm things up in there.
I will show a new video getting some white smoke but not a ton... I have used ether but it rattles the hell out of it...I will post a better video later for review...
If you buy my plane ticket I will have it running in ten minutes, with a return flight of coarse, but make the stay for at least two to three weeks though, gotta watch the surf babes for a while, lol
Here's a video of another electric start unit showing the amount of smoke it'll pump out when starting:
[quote="Neil"]Here's a video of another electric start unit showing the amount of smoke it'll pump out when starting:[/quote]
Perfect sample video Neil! That is the smoke I am talking about. I believe he is not getting fuel to the cylinders.