Yes, it is kind of hidden....look at the center of the rear case plan view a drawing window that says sump. The plug # is 1B5170.
My parts books are for units above and below you sr. no. but they all appear to use the same.
Old Magnet
Somehow I knew you would be the guy with the information, lol
Thank you
My parts book is a Caterpillar publication but that diagram you are referring to is missing,I checked the page numbers and none have been removed.
The reason I need a sump bung is the old one has been damaged and as I am trying to cure transmission oil leaking through the stud holes I thought now was a good time to replace it! By the way any advice on stopping these leaks?
Hi Niel,
Here's the parts page for 66A9418 -66A12015 that may be useful.
Nothing fancy on stud sealing....I just slobber #2 Permatex on the threads. Key is to get the thread holes free of oil so the mastic will stick....not always easy.
Also there is always the risk of breakage when removing.....another fun job.
Neil hello, remove the studs and clean them and the female threads. Make sure they are dry of oil then use 270 loctite studlock, put the loctite in the hole and it will be pulled in as you screw the stud in. if you put iton the stud it gets fed off as you screw it in.
Regards Gordon.
PS use the gas axe if you like Lol
Thanks Gordon-I was told to use the hot spanner to burn off or "dry" the oil off before doing anything.
The other point of interest is that several people told me not to use the likes of Locktite studlock in case a stud would break and the removal could be very difficult-any comments?
Thanks Gordon-I was told to use the hot spanner to burn off or "dry" the oil off before doing anything.
The other point of interest is that several people told me not to use the likes of Locktite studlock in case a stud would break and the removal could be very difficult-any comments?