Reply to Fat Dan:
I can't wait to see pictures. 😁👍
My first trip up the Alaska Highway was in late November 1964. I remember it was soothing to ones soul when you heard the sanding gravel hitting the underside of the car. Along hills on the road they would put covered drums of sand every several hundred yards apart and alternate sides of the road for when you would get stuck.
1943 - 44 T9 (gas) with a Bucyrus Erie 6 way "Bullgrader" blade I can't say this machine worked on the Alaska Highway but this is the same style used to work on the Alaska Highway.

Jason what is the name of the file you are trying to upload?
Picture name.??? if the file dose not end with a "..jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .txt, or .pdf it will not upload.
You will need to open it in a Photoshop program and save it in a format that ends with one of these file types.
Also if the size of the picture is too big will not upload. You will need to open it in a Photoshop program and resize and save before uploading.
Good work
Very nice machine 👍
Thanks for the pictures.