does anybody know what the tool is called or where to get it that fits the rectangular bleeder screw behind the injector connections? they're in such close quarters that i can't g et a lock wrench or anything else on them. I've searched "rectangular socket" and "oval socket" but nothing comes up.
Chapter 19 (AU) sells a repro one. There is a socket similar to a "D" socket that will fit but I do not know the number or the supplier.
The Chapter 19 one is at the bottom of their repro catalog.
I believe the Cat # for the little socket is 5P-2682 for about $15. I think it is 1/4" drive
got the good one!
Following up on my quest for a socket. . I found a D socket that didn't give any dimensions but looked to be about right for $11. I gambled and it turned out to be too small by about the thickness of the chrome plate.
so then I found one on ebay using the part # D4Jim provided. It's exactly the right one, as one would expect from the part number. $26.45 free shipping. took a while to get here but worth the wait. I put a1/4 extension on it and will do the bleeding eventually.I let it run empty of fuel is why i need to bleed.
many thanks to all the commenters! It was another learning experience for this shade tree mechanic.