Study the end of the cock closely - you'll see a line across it. Set the line across the valve and it's closed - set it in line and the valve is open. For the drain, you can buy one second-hand and install it. Install a short nipple and cap on the end of the valve and that way the tank won't drain if the cock is accidentally opened
Thanks. I'll look for the line. The way it is mounted makes seeing anything difficult as the square nub for operating it is facing up towards the tank and this also makes it a dirt magnet obscuring any markings. But knowinga mark is there will help.
Thanks! i had the same problem after replacing the fuel filters. i ended up taking a line off and watching the flow. i did not know about the line, but as TOP says, it is very difficult to see anything back in that cubby hole.also i had to cut off a wrench to work the valve. but i love the machine!