I am having a right old performance trying to get this tractor to fire up.
Long story short basically some time ago I had to replace the seals on the throttle spindle which meant going in to the governer housing, the machine sat for almost a year in the owner's yard. Tried to start it and no go, anyway it seemed as if the rack had stuck. So went back to it yesterday with the intention of removing it but thought I better try one more time, plenty of duck-oil and a squirt of engine oil in around the plungers and got everything free again.
Rebuilt it in-situ with new gaskets, primed ther pump up with the hand-primer and also had the throttle lever all the way forward with all 6 injector pipes slackened off with diesel flowing out of all ports. I also bled the governer housing by undoing the little 1/4" bolt. I also verfied the pump timing is correct.
Cranked the engine over with the lions at the injectors slackened off and all we seem to get is a dribble of diesel and find the same at the pump outlets as well.
The tractor sounds like it is trying to run but just doesn't pick up.....that sort of sound they make when "on the next crank they will start". Even tried with a sniff of ether and it didn't help push the ball over the lion.
I had a length of clear pipe supplying diesel to the filter inlet on the pump from a seperate tank thinking maybe there wasn't enough head of diesel, with the pipe full of diesel I saw that air bubbles were coming up it from the pump as if it was displacing air.
when I pump the primer it always seems that the first couple of pumps are easy, then it stiffens if the main pump body has lost pressure.
To me it seems as if the diesel is too low for the pumping elements to pick if the diesel is draining off slightly.
Any suggestions?