I went to start my D6C after it had been sitting for a couple of weeks. deader than a doornail. disconcerting that the big batteries would die after only a couple of weeks. charged them up, still dead. eventually noticed that the circuit breaker in the panel had popped. reset it and it popped again, in both the heat and start positions. that means bad switch, right? found a NOS switch still in the box. when it came I put the meter on to make sure it was ok. it was conducting heat in both the heat and start positions. that sounded like a good idea to have heat on while cranking but it didn't seem right. I googled heat/start switch and immediately came up with a club thread from 11 years ago in which EDT66SS was having trouble with his electrical. Turned out his problem was a bad battery disconnect, but in the thread was this from Bruce P:
IF, the breaker is tripped AND it continues to trip when you try to turn the glow plugs on, or, turn the starter over. Unhook the main glow plug lead where it connects to the conduit at the rear of the engine. If it no longer trips, then you may have a short in the metal conduit somewhere.
Over time vibaration will wear a hole in a wire.
This is what my D6C did last fall and nearly drove me silly (er). What I couldn't understand was why it would trip when I put the switch to START, untill I realised my switch keeps the glowplugs on in the start position. The local dealer told me some of the switchs are that way. Anyhow, new glowplug harness, all better.
Bingo! my switch is supposed to heat in the start position AND unpluigging the glow plug connection solved the problem. my machine starts easy without the heat so i'll just leave the glow plugs disconnected.
So many thanks to Bruce P and EDT66SS, i couldn't have solved the problem without you as i was fixated on the idea that the heat and start positions were isolated from each other.
what a great club!