Hey guys
I was wondering if someone who has a D6C parts book can give me a hand....I tried looking in the technical data section and found some of the numbers that i need but either couldnt find a few or couldnt make them out, and my parts book that i ordered is still 2 weeks out. My machine is has a 69j2622 serial number and is a powershift. Im after the following numbers
exhaust manifold gasket (8S8258 ?)
upper and lower gaskets and the oring for the supply and return oil lines for the turbo
all of the intake piping orings
studs, nuts and washers for the exhaust manifold (i think the nuts are 1B5355 ?)
the little steel backed orings where the lines connect to the injectors
gasket where the intake pipe from the turbo meets the intake manifold on the head (5S6735 ?)
the wiring harness for the glowplugs (5S8479 ?)
and the hood latch spring assemblies for the front of the hood on both sides
If anyone had a few minutes and wouldnt mind getting me some numbers id really really appreciate it !