Hi Xtremist, While it IS possible to convert a D6C to D6D controls I don't think it's feasible. The C has the operator's station and controls offset to the left of centerline while the D station and controls are on centerline. You would need to find a donor D6D for all the parts needed; even if you found a donor for a reasonable price, you might find other problems.
I have owned and operated D6Cs and D6Ds. While I agree that the D6D controls are much better, the conversion is just a cafeteria-size can of worms!
'D6C10K' did a tidy conversion of that 10 plus years back. The old thread is still on the ACME website but the pictures are long gone. Not sure if he is still around here.
is the 6D that much more wonderful than a 6C that is working perfectly?? cause i think it's pretty sweet...just asking?
"is the 6D that much more wonderful than a 6C that is working perfectly?? "
My seat time on both machines is very limited but for me the biggest upgrade is the integrated clutch and brake steering. Second to that is the wobble stick blade control.
I have everything you will need. Was going to do it years ago and decided not to. PM me
I sent D6C10K a message but he hasnt been on here in 2 years so im probably not going to get anywhere with that. doylex has everything that i would need to swap over to the joystick, im just wondering if its possible to do the integrated steering as well, what all is different at the steering clutch housing, im assuming that the covers are different but would there be a bunch of internals that need to be swapped as well ? I realize it might be easier to just leave it or pick up a 6d but i got this cat for a good deal and the rest of it is in excellent shape...
thanks again for the input