The drain plug is a inverted tapered hex. Most people just weld a nut to a bolt and use a socket on it. That works but Caterpillar makes a special socket that has the correct fit.
[attachment=52657]DP 1.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=52658]DP 2.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=52659]DP 3.jpg[/attachment]
Part number 212 8146. It is nice and will fit all the drain plugs on your tractor but it is a little expensive, I think it was $40 - $50 or so.
The small size hex looks like a 1" nut will fit. The large hex looks like 1-1/4".
I could be wrong, but I think if you want to taper the hex to fit the socket perfectly, you start with the larger sizes, but the smaller dimensions are common standard sizes and will fit without any grinding.
I went ahead and ordered the tool from Caterpillar. It was $30.32 through my local dealer. Thanks all!