I would have said the bevel gear shaft bearings more likely than the pinion bearings. I doubt you could feel the pinion bearing. Never heard of it, but I wonder if the bevel gear shaft could be bent. Have heard of them breaking on a D6B, so I suppose it's possible.
If you can look into the bevel gear compartment, put a bar in there and try to move the bevel gear from side to side. Could also (CAREFULLY!) tie both steering clutches back and watch as someone eased the clutch in to see if the bevel gear wobbles any etc.
Usual cause of brake pedal pulsating is the drums are out of round, but that would have no effect on the steering clutches.
It's not unusual to have the final drive pinion bearings go out on the 8/9U's. This causes loss of brake drum centering that affects both brake and clutch operation with typical pulsations. If left uncorrected it will eventually hog out the bearing race bore in the final drive case.....and other problems.
OK, now I'm with you. I was thinking pinion on bevel gear, not pinion on bull gear.
ok , I had the stearing boosters out for seal replacement and the pinion coming out of tranny is the one thats pitted..
I also think the bearing outward of the brake drum is bad. had to back off clutch adj on that side to keep clutch from slipping. pulls solid now
but still pulses..hence bad bearing ??..Ive got 6-8 hours work do i dare run it that much?? then i can get in shop and work it over good.