yes you would be correct, d65r tracks are not the same as the d6d tracks. major differences in pitch. if memory serves correctly, i believe the d65r had 6.75" pitch. i believe the closest replacement currently in use is the 6.91" pitch tracks on current machines.
Yes, I believe you are correct on this. 5r should interchange with the 9u which is 6.75" pitch. The 6.91" pitch is newer D5 stuff that is the common conversion for 9u's. I'm thinking of converting my 9u to 6.91".
D6d stuff is much bigger pitch, I'm sure someone can give specifics.
I used d6 8u rails and pads on my d6 5r
D6D is 8.00 inch pitch.
Hey OldMagnet,
Do you remember what the undercarriage looked like on the D6-9u that I bought from TractorDon at one of his BBQ's? You were there that day! I remember him telling me that someone put the wrong tracks on and the pitch was off in timing. The pins were chewed up bad, sprockets too. It was the worst shape undercarriage on a Cat that I've ever seen. After switching over to the D5 tracks and sprockets, it's a great tractor now. Running the wrong pitch will destroy an undercarriage quickly. glen
Yes, I recall. I kind of wondered how far you'd get with that miss match. Also recall the previous owner that Don purchased from didn't have a clue. Won't mention the sale price LOL.
Hey OldMagnet,
Now that it's got good tracks, and cleaned up a bit, it's a great Cat. The thing that got my attention on that tractor, was the factory installed glow plugs and electric start. It has all the correct manifolds and such from factory. Heck you know more about that stuff than I do. I averaged out the dollars. With the $100 Cat no. 60 scraper, and $75 #25 unit with coupler that Ed Akin let me out bid him on, the price range softened. :eyebrows: