Brialin, That looks a nice good tidy tractor. Maybe sand blast and paint would be good, however that wont make her work better.
Have you tried conecting up the links at and on the front idler its so much easier. Just block up a couple of links and drive the tractor forward as you pull the track over the top if you get a dropped link then all you have to do is jack up the rear then drive on the side yr fitting the track by pulling the clutch and brake on the left. the track will just move over the top and the tractor will stay still. Regards Gordon.
Hi Brialin, Nice D-6 and thanks for the photos. Don't know if the hoe is yours or borrowed/ rented. I see it is plumped for a thumb. I have had a mechanical thumb that opens and closes as you knuckle the bucket. I will never not have one on a hoe. You can pick up logs, piles of brush, large rocks, D-6 tracks, or whatever. Try one some time, you will never be without one. firpitch
Dead right Gordon, the easiest way to couple the track without mechanical assitance is over the idler, however, with a back hoe to pull the track, I would have blocked the track up a couple of links at the rear and driven the machine back while pulling the track back over the idler and top rollers, that way you can couple on the rear of the sprocket without having to support the track between idlers and top rollers as the sprocket will line up links, also taking up the slack.
Hi Catsilver hope you are well.
We are not so busy at present, how are you finding things ?
I bought a D6M XL from fenland a few weeks back and we're going to town on her !! Finnings getting alot of our hard earned Lol.
Is that a D6C 76A power shift tractor as it kind of looks like it.
Hi, SJ
It is definately a D6C but i think it's direct drive. I cant see a PS shift tower and there appears to be levers
Regards Gordon.
It is a 74A direct drive. Beggers can't be choosers. If there is a next time I will try putting the chain together on the front idler. It only took 1.5 hrs to do both sides.
The backhoe is mine and the plumbing is for a wood splitter. I take off the bucket and pin on the splitter. I just use it for big wood. The splitter is upside down and goes over the piece of wood. Once they are small enough I put them on my regular splitter. There is a diverter valve mounted on the boom and it uses the extendahoe circuit to run the splitter.
Hi Brialin, Nothing wrong with an hour and a half mate, and you gottem on. You'll just find it easier. One thing tho. Make sure the grab link bolts are correctly tightened. We all ways use new bolts.
Regards Gordon.
I got the specs from Cat and bought new bolts also. Didn't want to mess around and screw up the master links.