Reply to BullDozerBob:
Old Magnet,
You're right on with the two levers-one for the glow coils [which were removed b/4 I got this Cat] and the other pulls in the starter solenoid. I wouldn't think there would be much current on that one though.
It's still snowing so saturday I have to get the D6 going. I'll touch base after I get it going. 😊
Mery Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Put 2-3 inches of charcoal briquets in a bucket -lit and let them go to coals and stuck the bucket under the oil pan sump. Aimed a propane radiant heater at the intake manifold then spent an hour clearing the snow[ 3+ ft.] off the D6.
Jumpered the master switch and she lit right off. Spent the next 6 hours pushing out the berms on the road [1/2 mile]and parking areas at my house and my brothers.
Every kids dream-tubo-powered snow remover w/ a 12 ft. blade!
Will order and pick up a new switch today hopefully - it's supposed to snow all week here again.
Has any body got a way to pipe a heater into the block on a D6-9U27222?