Reply to Ray54:
You did not say but sounds like it was converted from pony start, does it still have decompression lever? Someone messing with it maybe.
I have D6 that if it sites it needs to be bleed to start, so that is always something to check.
simple things first.
does it wind over.
has the fuel gelled due to cold.
is it getting fuel if you see white smoke from the exhuast its getting fuel then the question is, is it fuelling properly or is there a restriction in the air cleaner/intake.
is it decompressed or not. they wont fire is decompressed you will get fuel smoke though.
is it too cold.
have you got the throttle wide open to give full fuel some machines need full or 3/4 throttle to start easily particularly in colder weather.
bleed the fuel tower and injectors.
has some numpty turned the fuel tank tap off. we have a stationary engine that doesnt like it if the tap is turned off it gets a massive airlock and is a pain to bleed as its hand cranked.
when did it last have a set of fuel filters? have they plugged.
avoid using aero-start(ether) often once you start using it all the time you need to use it all the time. it is hard on a engine.