Well if finally happened, the mag on my pup quit. Ran good three weeks ago, then last week..... sparky dont spark. first pulled the cap, everything looks good. Cleaned the points and checked the gap... ok. Interior of the case was very dirty so with some brake cleaner and lots, lots, lots and a lot more air cleaned it out. Then I pampered the misses and while she was relaxing I placed the mag into the stove on low heat for a few hours..👍
I should mention that the rotor was covered with what looked like hair line cracks. One of the many install - removall of the cap I didn't have the rotor into place right and on a test spin the rotor shattered and broke the wire brushes. Minor setback right? how much can a cap and rotor cost? Well at least I can borrow the cap and rotor from the D4.
Tonight I grabbed one of our spare tractor condensor and installed in place of the original in the mag. Turn the mag over by hand and nice blue sparks at the points, problem solved right?
Placed the mag back onto the pup, cranked it over and nothin. No spark at the points or the plugs. So now its time to modify.
I had called CAT today for some prices and what can I say but WOW !!!
Cap, 210.35
rotor, 134.05
Points, 35.45
Condensor, 29.88
cap gasket, 9.10
After got off the phone I realized that you could order the brushes to repair the cap. Does anyone have any experience in replacing the brushes? unless the brushes cost more than an arm it looks like repair is the way to go.
To have the mag rebuilt would run $300 or so, to add an external coil might cost $40-$50 once its done.
Any recomondations on a external coil that works better than others? I have some coils around for older gas farm tractors. I'm thinking to drill a hole in the case right below the coil tab and make a pressure plate to match then attach to the hot wire. Simple and effective.
I just want to get the tracks turning again. lots of mud and trees to push.