Hey guys,
I finally got the old girl into the shop to fix the clutch that just wouldn't pull no more, plus add a canopy that would save me should a tree fall the wrong way. Looking into the clutch housings it quickly became apparent there was more here than I first thought. The final pinion seals are shot and the bearings are not far behind as well as the bevel gear case seal on one side.
Cleaning up parts and looking over the clutch pads I found a couple that the teeth are clearly worn down as in the one picture. The picture shows a good disc on the left with a thickness of .187" and good teeth while on the right the disc has a thickness of .183" and worn teeth. As a total pack the thickness is 3.325" or 3 5/16" which is great but would you keep those two discs that the teeth are worn down?
I was going to give all the discs a good cleaning and a quick buff with some sandpaper then measure again but don't think the measure would change that much.
Then one brake drum had a ridge on the outside lip so we chucked it up and turned that off, I cant find any reference to the dia of the drum. Measured with a tape and have it roughly 16 5/8" same as the one that looks good. This a good measure? or should I be looking for better drums?
I called Cat for some price quotes and they came back with $46 and $28 for the clutch springs and $170 for the clutch plate. Online tractorparts has the springs at $4.50 and $3, and discs at $22. Has anybody ever had luck with these springs? how about their clutch discs? Would two aftermarket discs in the pack make that much difference? Any chance of those teeth wearing right off and causing problems?
I was told this old girl is a collection of different tractors over the years so its hard to say just how old those discs are but the thickness isn't that different. I don't want to open this up for a long time but I'm also trying to watch my $.
Merry Christmas.