I have been looking a '56 D6 8U that comes with unknown model of Le Tourneau scraper (described as WW II vintage) The crawler has very good undercarriage, electric start pony motor, Rear cable control unit and a cable operated angle blade. The seat cushions have been kep inside. One of the rear controls is used for the blade. The pony starts good and the main motor starts and runs ok, except there is a slight miss on one cylinder. The owner had the injector changed and then the head rebuilt trying to clear it up. The mechanic that did the work thinks that if the cat was put under a load that the miss would clear up, but that has not been done yet. Also the cat seems high geared in 1st. I have heard there were different ratios depending applications. Would this transmission be good for land leveling? Any ideas on a good price on this setup?
The scraper looks in servicable condition, the tires are inflated , round and black. If I bought this I would use it on a field leveling project, as I would my D4 and the 40 scraper I am looking at. Normally when we move dirt if it with a 11E Hancock Scraper puller behind a 4 wheel drive farm tractor. I thought it would be fun to use some vintage equipment on this project.