There is an o-ring on the piston and check balls in the pump head. Not worth messing with to fix when complete replacements are that cheap. They are a lot more reliable than the early versions with piston cups.
The ball and spring check valves are very serviceable, but a new one is only 23.00. Never saw many failures except slow leaks out the plunger when worn out from viberation of thousands of hours running.
Are these only $23.00 off the internet? I suspect it’s higher from a dealership?
Curious, as I have a D5 and a D6C that could use new ones. Repairing looks like a PITA.
Cat shows 9H2256 replaced by 311-9443 for $50.11 and is a classic part.
Are these only $23.00 off the internet? I suspect it’s higher from a dealership?
Curious, as I have a D5 and a D6C that could use new ones. Repairing looks like a PITA.
[quote="juiceman"]Are these only $23.00 off the internet? I suspect it’s higher from a dealership?
Curious, as I have a D5 and a D6C that could use new ones. Repairing looks like a PITA.[/quote]
For that price I will try an aftermarket one and see how it goes. I will then look at the original and see what I can do with it. Might have a spare. If it goes the way of the aftermarket petcock I bought (already leaking), I might be headed to get ond of those "classic Cat parts".
I had one of those pumps for years with multiple hose connections. Great tool for diagnosing fuel problems on various tractors. Left it at my last job to a younger mechanic. Might buy one just to have it for troubleshooting.