Welcome! A fellow member which calls himself D4e, has owned MANY of them and I consider him the expert on the D4E's. That is how I purchased mine. 29X00827.
I do not know much about them; BPetty on this BB used to have one, but had issues with the final drives overheating.
Mine I believe is a 1977 model equipped with 6 roller frame and wide pads; and VHP. I use it for disking here and playing with scrapers.
Please tell us about the one you may purchase and some pictures if you have any to share. JM
As I mentioned initially I'm almost 100% certain this one has spent it's life on a potato farm. I've seen in the field a few times over the years.
Best I can tell it's just the standard 96hp, not the 140hp turbo type. Looks to have three hydraulic remotes. No pto or 3 point.
The only price reference I can find us a couple the Zimmerman has listed. Both of those are 140hp, and one has a brand new undercarriage. I'd venture a new uc alone is close to $10k these days.
I've been in touch with the seller and plan to check it out next week. [attachment=68241]66D83A6A-54FC-4087-83B8-CD5147D5E854.jpeg[/attachment][attachment=68242]41576497-802D-4A8A-AB1C-51F8AF2DD8BB.jpeg[/attachment]
I readily admit my ignorance when it comes to Caterpillar engines. The tractor in question is naturally aspirated, which to my understanding puts it around 75hp. Is the 95hp configuration simply achievable by swapping the exhaust manifold, adding the turbo and adjusting the pump? Or is it more complicated?
You would need to check parts books for comparable engine parts like pistons, bearings and for sure the turbo version would require oil cooling jets for the pistons.
I met the owner after work today to take a look at the D4. Overall it seems like an unabused example. Sealed Cat tracks, certainly some wear, but without dimensions and a track gauge it would be tough to speculate exactly.
Started right up and seem to run fine. It was probably comical to watch me drive it as I'm used to a power shift John Deere. Only stalled the Cat once 😬.
The first iffy thing I noticed is that you have to kinda grind it into gear. Acts like the clutch drags a touch, or if there's a transmission brake it isn't engaging effectively. The other major hiccup I noticed is that the steering brakes are much more effective turning left as compared to the right. There again, could be a minor adjustment issue. Tach is inoperative. Presume the cab AC would need work.
As I'd surmised, it spent the last few decades pulling a potato planter. They quit the potato business a few years ago, so no need for the crawler.
Right now the price versus everything else isn't favorable to me buying it. I need to get some answers to the nagging questions at hand.
It could be worth just running it naturally aspirated, because then you don't have to do anything as far as aspiration goes. Clashing gears would be clutch brake adjustment (could need new linings), brakes ineffective on right turn could be adjustment too or worn, tach will likely be a new cable if it's not electric, and the usual a/c problem is running out of refrigerant. Is this machine in OH or nearby?
It could be worth just running it naturally aspirated, because then you don't have to do anything as far as aspiration goes. Clashing gears would be clutch brake adjustment (could need new linings), brakes ineffective on right turn could be adjustment too or worn, tach will likely be a new cable if it's not electric, and the usual a/c problem is running out of refrigerant. Is this machine in OH or nearby?