Reply to neil:
Hi Mervyn,
Neil here. Live in the U.S. but spent few years logging out of places like that mostly round the lower N.I.. That track you put in would have been classed as a logging truck road at the point I left the industry : ) That said, any road put in by a dozer was ten times better than one put in with a digger - very hard to get an even grade with a digger because the operator is not running to and fro as you do with a dozer. There was always one "stretch" that was just too steep to get up without assistance. Don't know why they did that because it cost them money to push us up the hill. Did the cocky put any gravel on that?
Hi Guys
Ilive and work in a place called coromandel peninsula new zealand. Pics are up whats called the thames coast. Is the ocean in the background, technically the hauraki gulf, joins up with the pacific ocean.
Very interesting about the comments saying its similar to northern california. Always wanted to visit the states, always great when one" feels like there at home". Might be just the place for me.
Oh there are plenty of greenie protesters around here to boys. And ive had words with plenty of them too. They are anti everything, especially anything involving machinery. My 2 favorite arguments. 1 you live in a house where did the wood come from ? 2 You own and drive a car, where did that come from ? End of the day everything we use is "mined or grown" no ifs buts or maybes !😖mokin:
Neil yes definetly much easier to keep and feel grade with a dozer. But that big mechanical arm excells in roading uphill or cutting high batters. Trick is to use them together one compliments the other. Currently am driving a D7H-2 forestry roading for a mate during the week; in conjuction with a 320c digger; the 2 work well together. And doing my own bulldozing contracting on the weekends. Although this may change very soon if i get some jobs im chasing with another mate. He has a 36 ton digger and we will use it and my D6D for forestry roading. D7 would be nicer but a 6 easily pushes loose dirt. and a bigger digger is much better for dealing with stumps.
Few other pics from another nearby area, taken a few years before ! Got some great scenery where i am ![attachment=16227]Merv 1.jpg[/attachment][attachment=16228]Ray 1.jpg[/attachment][attachment=16229]Ray 2.jpg[/attachment][attachment=16230]View to skycity(p).JPG[/attachment][attachment=16231]Ray 3.jpg[/attachment]
