First when you ask for info on your tractor, please post the serial number.
Your tractor don't have a differential, what you are looking at is the bevel gear compartment.
That holds the oil for the gear and the transmission.
There are 2 final drive one on each side, where the sprockets stick out.
they have a plug on the back of the case to check oil.
Transmission 22 ltr. lube oil Sae 30 but if you are running it in hot weather could go to 50
flywheel clutch 8.5 ltr. lube oil Sae 30
final drive each 9.5 itr. lube oil Sae 50
It looks like a yoke that broke on the rod. the lever is called a lever.
Did you repair that track master pin?
What was the fix?
And what about the track tensioner spring retaining bolt?