What s/n????
OM, I'm at the wrong shop, but for the torques and countershafts, aren't all 84J's with a 3304 engine all the same?
Thanks for getting back so quick Magnet
Torques are not a problem but there are some differences in timing fuel injection pumps on the D330c and the 3304's. Late 3304's can be checked with timing pin. early 3304's and the D330c's by timing fixture and tooling only.
3304's came in at 84J1526-up.
Do you need timing gear alignments also?
Added including balancer timing.
The countershaft or balancer shaft timing is the same on all D330 and 3304 engines, with no 1 and 4 at TDC the balancers will be at the bottom, if you lock the balancers at the bottom with 2 3/8" nc bolts in the hole in the centre bearings through to the hole in the balancers with the engine at TDC 1 and 4, then fit the oil pump, you can't go wrong, although you may have to slacken back the left side bolt a little to move the balancer if you are fitting the oil pump with the timing case already on, just make sure that the balancers are right at the bottom after.