Do you have access to someone that has the testing apparatus for the injectors and pumps?
Specs aren't going to do you much good otherwise. Minimum would be a pop test for the injectors (1750 psi).
As for the pumps check for scoring or pitting on barrels and check plunger length. Plunger length is 2.6575"-2.6577" for new. Pump should be replaced if wear exceeds .005"
Injection pump lifter is 1.734"
OM, a shop in Fresno says they have the apparatus. Rome, thanks for that info.
For the 4R/5R D4600
Low idle is 550 rpm
High Idle is 1550 rpm
Full load rpm 1400 rpm
Rack setting is 0.590"
Find your pump part number on the following chart and move to the rack setting. Where the two intersect is the number of pump strokes to fill the calibrated sight glass on the test apparatus Whether it passes or not is determined by the liquid level in the sight glass.
[attachment=67013]Early Injection Pumps.jpg[/attachment]
If your injectors pass the spray pattern test the process for setting the pop pressure is as follows:
Lift dimension is 0.007" Pressure setting is 1500 psi for the 4-1/4 bore
[attachment=67014]Flat seat press adj #1.jpg[/attachment]
[attachment=67015]Flat seat press adj #2.jpg[/attachment]
OM, thank you very much. I will report back the results.
still working on it?? Keep trudging on.
[quote="oldbeek post=236238 userid=9101"]still working on it?? Keep trudging on.
Yes sir! Funny how life gets in the way of these projects [img]/media/kunena/emoticons/dizzy.png[/img]