Just a bunch of this and that videos. We all like pictures and videos of these machines. I wish a .mov extension was possible to post, instead of host sites.
I was pleasantly surprised at how the D4 pulled some of the logs and trees around. Especially with the logs digging in in most cases.
Most of them were sugar maple that had at least some rot inside. Pieces of the bald cypress I have saved for future. I cut down what was around the 120 year old farmhouse because in 2020 we a 30” limb top of a maple drop on its new roof. Thank goodness we made those repairs and literally just a few weeks ahead of that storm.
Pic below are more recent showing similar condition of a maple to what we cleaned up in 2020. We’ve been constantly doing housekeeping since 2020. The current burn pile is about three times the size of the brush snag next to the D4 now as it shows in the photo below. This tree in particular had a 30” limb that was connected at the trunk where a split existed nearly to the ground. Proximity to the house made me decide it had to come down this past summer.
In no way would any one of my F/A 560 row crop or the IH 656 utility or the Ford 971 row crop rubber tired tractors ranging from 56 to 65 hp could have pulled those trees and pushed them up into the piles without having to cut them up and tripling the work. The 44 hp of the D4 on grousers is so much more efficient and I’m certain I’m not pulling its max.
Anyway, thanks for looking. Great fun making it a worthwhile piece of equipment so far! More repair and maintenance projects are in its future.
Keep safe-