I have a 1944 D4 5t . It has the5 roller track bottom and for some reason on the left track it keeps jumping off the bottom roller when making a turn. The track chain and rollers are all in great shape and tight within tolerance specs. It only happens on the one side and it always jumps to the inside of the roller , within a few feet it will jump back inline. Anyone have any suggestions??
Hi Team,
here are a few things to check---mainly the track frame toe in/toe out as it can impact the track retention--jumping off.
Traxcavators are notorious for having loose, bent and cracked/broken hard bar mountings and hardware, alignment shims flogged out and missing etc.
Traxcavators having the hard bar have shims on an inside of the track frame flange/bracket to adjust the toe in toe out--both sides should be parallel to the machine centre line and as straight/parallel as possible.
if the troublesome side track frame idler mount arms are twisted/bent the idler may not be square or just needs the side plates clearances adjusted to centralize the idler in the frame and/or the hanger strips checked--renewed to reduce up and down--if one strip is missing the idler will be leaning over too.
These and likely a few I have missed items can impact track alignment to the rollers etc.
Items in the scan are a good guide to Undercarriage alignment issues.