If I understand correctly, you are asking about removing the valve cover to replace the Cork gasket?
There is no spring tension on that cover. Go ahead and take it off.
Sorry if I did not make myself clear enough. The valve cover sits on this housing. This housing encases the valves springs, rocker arms and the shaft that is used to compress the valves for the run/start lever. Under this encasement is the gasket that I am referring to. It leaks quite abit so I am wanting to change it. In the book it comes off as a unit( shows picture) but says nothing about the valves. So my question is, will I have to reset the valves once it is taken off, or can I just slap it back on and will be good to go?
What I think he is talking about is on the U ser. D4 there is a Valve cover that goes on top of an alum. riser between the top of head and and the valvecover and the valve mech is not conected to it in any way its just a riser around everything,with gasket on top and bottom
Good day Willie,
I scraped the housing and you are correct about it being aluminum.
I guess I will start taking the outer bolts off first and see how it pans out.
Cobalt Kid.
You will need to readjust valve clearance after you replace aluminum housing. Make sure you disconnect the oil line for the rocker shaft before you lift housing. Also you need to unhook linkage for compression lever. You dont need silicone sealer on the gasket, It may cause gasket to squeeze out when you tighten bolts
Is there any distinct position, or reference point (TDC, BDC ) as to which piston( 1,2,3,4 ) or valve (intake,exhaust ) should be, before undoing the bolts and nuts for this proceedure for ease of reassembly.
Cobalt Kid
It doesn't matter what position your engine is in. You may want to loosen rocker adjustment before reinstalling rocker housing. After it is bolted down, you will need to adjust rockers. When I did mine I adjusted them to about .012" or .013" cold. Start engine and bring it up to operating temp and Readjust to .010" Make sure both valves are completly closed when making adjustment.
Thanks for the help. When cleaning the area for removal I noticed the gasket has either blown out or squeezed out about an inch or so at the end corner where the decompressor lever enters. Can this gasket be made? It feels like rubber by the touch.
You could make it if you had the right gasket material. I ordered mine from Cleveland Brothers Cat. In erie Pa. 814-899-2577. I was amazed how many parts they found for my old ht4