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D4 generator

D4 generator

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Send a private message to Hillbillybjopkr
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so I am curious it see if there is a way to check if my generator there some were I can test on the relay box?
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Sun, May 6, 2018 4:09 AM
Send a private message to bursitis
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kind of a redneck way but you can unhook your generator and take it out of the drive housing so it can free wheel and connect the armature to positive 6VDC and the field to neg 6vdc and the gen should run like a motor. if it doesn't there may be a problem with the brushes or armature. if it turns half and stops you most likely need a field. if you want to test it on the tractor make sure all the wireing is correct and flash the field at the Vr and it will probably charge.
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Sun, May 6, 2018 4:49 AM
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Send a private message to Hillbillybjopkr
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Reply to bursitis:
kind of a redneck way but you can unhook your generator and take it out of the drive housing so it can free wheel and connect the armature to positive 6VDC and the field to neg 6vdc and the gen should run like a motor. if it doesn't there may be a problem with the brushes or armature. if it turns half and stops you most likely need a field. if you want to test it on the tractor make sure all the wireing is correct and flash the field at the Vr and it will probably charge.
there is nothing hooked up to it....the relay box is free...has 3 tabs sticking out of it...I would assume it is a 12v generator beings the pony starter is 12v.....or should it be a 6v....serial is 7U23655.....had a 12v battery when I first got it a couple yrs ago....appears to be original starter.or equivalent....I put brushes in it this last well as re bearinged the starter adapter......has worked beautifully with 12v.......but I'm thinking of adding lights....its why I'm curious if the generator is functional...if not....will have to come up with a alternator somehow.....
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Sun, May 6, 2018 9:31 AM
Send a private message to bursitis
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Reply to Hillbillybjopkr:
there is nothing hooked up to it....the relay box is free...has 3 tabs sticking out of it...I would assume it is a 12v generator beings the pony starter is 12v.....or should it be a 6v....serial is 7U23655.....had a 12v battery when I first got it a couple yrs ago....appears to be original starter.or equivalent....I put brushes in it this last well as re bearinged the starter adapter......has worked beautifully with 12v.......but I'm thinking of adding lights....its why I'm curious if the generator is functional...if not....will have to come up with a alternator somehow.....
someone with more savy needs to chime in. i thought all pony starters were 6 volt. it isn't uncommon to have a 12 volt battery on a tractor though. you can still test the generator with a 6 volt battery though. the relay box is the Voltage Regulator. you should find a wiring diagram for your model an proceed to reconnect. if the previous owner used a 12 volt battery on a 6 volt system then he probably just let things go because the gen wouldn't charge a 12 volt anyway. i reconnected mine and flashed the generator and now it charges a 6 volt just fine. if your pony is in good order 6 volt is enough. be aware that there was different generator amperage to accommodate lights. you should confirm that your gen has enough amperage to do what you want.
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Sun, May 6, 2018 10:20 AM
Paso Bob
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Reply to bursitis:
someone with more savy needs to chime in. i thought all pony starters were 6 volt. it isn't uncommon to have a 12 volt battery on a tractor though. you can still test the generator with a 6 volt battery though. the relay box is the Voltage Regulator. you should find a wiring diagram for your model an proceed to reconnect. if the previous owner used a 12 volt battery on a 6 volt system then he probably just let things go because the gen wouldn't charge a 12 volt anyway. i reconnected mine and flashed the generator and now it charges a 6 volt just fine. if your pony is in good order 6 volt is enough. be aware that there was different generator amperage to accommodate lights. you should confirm that your gen has enough amperage to do what you want.
The 7U series with pony start came with 6 volt batteries. Most everyone I know of run 12 volt batteries because they turn the pony over quicker and it you don't overuse the starter it will last a long time using 12V. You might consider getting the 12V single wire alternator with the voltage regulator built in and coupled to an adaptor, and use the gear off of your generator to run it. It's a really simple system.
D-4 7U-43159 with 4S dozer and Cat 40 scraper, D-7 3T-1179 with Cat 7S hydraulic dozer, D-7 17A 13,944, D-8 14A-1160 with Cat 8S cable dozer, Cat 12-99E-4433 Grader. All runners and users.
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Sun, May 6, 2018 11:45 AM
Send a private message to rax200
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Reply to bursitis:
someone with more savy needs to chime in. i thought all pony starters were 6 volt. it isn't uncommon to have a 12 volt battery on a tractor though. you can still test the generator with a 6 volt battery though. the relay box is the Voltage Regulator. you should find a wiring diagram for your model an proceed to reconnect. if the previous owner used a 12 volt battery on a 6 volt system then he probably just let things go because the gen wouldn't charge a 12 volt anyway. i reconnected mine and flashed the generator and now it charges a 6 volt just fine. if your pony is in good order 6 volt is enough. be aware that there was different generator amperage to accommodate lights. you should confirm that your gen has enough amperage to do what you want.
Hi Hillbillybjobkr,
The generator and starter will be 6 volts, yes the stareter will work gerat on 12v but desgined for 6v. As for the generator there should be a plate on it giving the delco or american bosch nomber (photos please of both)and also will tell you it is 6 volts if it is missing then the number will be stamped on the housing at the drive and of the geny as for conections, on the geny there are two studs one will have an A for armature and the other will have an F for Feild.
The regulator should
Have some number on the tab with the single hold down bolt if it is a delco reg, as for tje 3 terminals one will be marked Batt this gose to the battery, one will be marked A this goes to the A or ARM terminal on the gen, and the oter one will be marked F or Feild this goes to the F terminal on the gen. These marking are between tne screw an the housing of the reg.

PS do not hook up to a 12v battery as it will kill both gen and reg

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Sun, May 6, 2018 12:11 PM
Send a private message to ccjersey
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The regulator terminals are almost always (from left to right with terminals pointing down) BAT, ARM (or GEN), FLD.
Clean them up to bright metal and reconnect the generator and 6 volt battery and then you are ready to flash the field (polarize the generator).

Most common battery polarity is negative ground but check the regulator for a label on the back. Some will work either way.
D2-5J's, D6-9U's, D318 and D333 power units, 12E-99E grader, 922B & 944A wheel loaders, D330C generator set, DW20 water tanker and a bunch of Jersey cows to take care of in my spare time😄
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Sun, May 6, 2018 7:33 PM
Send a private message to neil
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Reply to ccjersey:
The regulator terminals are almost always (from left to right with terminals pointing down) BAT, ARM (or GEN), FLD.
Clean them up to bright metal and reconnect the generator and 6 volt battery and then you are ready to flash the field (polarize the generator).

Most common battery polarity is negative ground but check the regulator for a label on the back. Some will work either way.
cc, is there any difference between positive ground vs. negative ground, in terms of operation / functionality?
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Mon, May 7, 2018 1:12 AM
Send a private message to ccjersey
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I have heard there was supposedly some advantage as far as corrosion potential of leakage current that would favor positive ground but the fact that negative ground has become the standard makes that my choice. The CAT starter and generator don't care. The regulator might matter or not. If you have a permanent magnet type starter motor on something, it must have the correct polarity or it will run backwards. Old fashioned wound field designs do not care.
D2-5J's, D6-9U's, D318 and D333 power units, 12E-99E grader, 922B & 944A wheel loaders, D330C generator set, DW20 water tanker and a bunch of Jersey cows to take care of in my spare time😄
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Mon, May 7, 2018 1:36 AM
Send a private message to oldbeek
Posts: 781
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Reply to ccjersey:
I have heard there was supposedly some advantage as far as corrosion potential of leakage current that would favor positive ground but the fact that negative ground has become the standard makes that my choice. The CAT starter and generator don't care. The regulator might matter or not. If you have a permanent magnet type starter motor on something, it must have the correct polarity or it will run backwards. Old fashioned wound field designs do not care.
Remove all wires from generator. Attach, 6 inch jumper wire to field post and attach another 6 inch wire to arm post. Fire up machine and run it at 1000 rpm. Momentarily ground the field wire jumper while striking an arc with the Armature wire. If you get a good hot arc, the generator is working. Then start finding if the regulators is any good.
If you just want a running machine, I use a small Solargizer charger. hooked to the battery. I use them on all my tractors even if the generator works. They keep the batteries in top shape. The national guard has them on every piece of equip they own. Solargizer used to be $60.00. 6 to 36 volts.
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Mon, May 7, 2018 2:04 AM
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