Thanks Gman but I forgot to mention, no trailers are allowed at the BBQ🤓 Good thing you and Stan are in the other valley or there wouldn’t be any tractors left for me to find 🤣🤣
I hate to tell you but I know of one more 6U 5 roller that I’m trying to get. I don’t know a lot about it ,but it is a direct start. Doubt it is an oil clutch.
See you at the BBQ But no trailers🤣
Okay, no trailers; how about Mikey M. and his rocket launcher? It has a hefty winch too, so he could be quick about it! Seriously, that will be a one of a kind money making machine for you in your ag ventures. I considered having Mr. Steve build the 6U orchard here into a long track just to be different. I have the parts and he has the capability. The things one does for entertainment. JM
Hi, Tractor Don.
From that last post, it sounds like the Gman is getting bored again.
Just my 0.02.
Okay, no trailers; how about Mikey M. and his rocket launcher? It has a hefty winch too, so he could be quick about it! Seriously, that will be a one of a kind money making machine for you in your ag ventures. I considered having Mr. Steve build the 6U orchard here into a long track just to be different. I have the parts and he has the capability. The things one does for entertainment. JM
Gman, what’s the rocket launcher? I’m going to hide everything 🤣 Won’t be anything to see at the BBQ. Yes the 6U will be a good tractor when I’m done.
You build that 6U this one stays here 🤓
Deas, Gman has always got something going on and stirring the pot 😁
Hi, Tractor Don.
I like how JM says I ". . . . . . managed to read through it and stayed awake." Was he watching me? Nope, or he would have known that I fell asleep MULTIPLE times which is why it has taken me this long to respond to him.
Mind you, we could use that Sikorsky Sky Crane here at the moment. We have 8 X 40-foot containers to move and where they currently are is too wet for a forklift to get them out. We KNOW this 'coz we tried it. The forklift drove in there just fine AND got its forks under the first container. So far, so good. As soon as the operator tried to LIFT the container, the front wheels of the forklift sank down about 9 inches. We had to use a Cat 966 loader to pull it out - - - WITHOUT the container.
Hi, juiceman.
We DO like aircraft here but there are only TWO types of 'dust' allowed here:
1. Dust from earth moving or plowing.
2. Verbal BULL dust.
End of story. 'Nuff said?
Just my 0.02.
Hay Don I maybe a day late, but if you have not got the 6u to higher ground you might take Gman up on the Sikorshy. I am on the south side of the Nacimiento Lake my wee little creek is filling a 5 foot pipe( generally would all flow through a 6 inch) . I would guess Monterey Flood control has every gate they have open on the damm.