Old Magnet, when converting a d4 to direct start, can the nose cone on a starter be modified/trimmed to get the 145 degree setting as you show in the directions, or would it weaken it too much? Just trying to save a few bucks if possible, if it is a bad idea, then I will start looking for the correct nose cone. I am using a 50mt starter, which is more than I need, but the price was right, thanks to friends in the hobby👍👍👍 Thanks for any help. Dennis
Hi, My name is Dennis, and I am a Rust-a-holic!
D4 7U17091 D6 8U10305 1926 Cat 30 1955 Ford T800, 74 Ford LT9000 1936 K Allis
You need the special nose housing....and even then you may have to "touch" the drive opening with a grinder to clear the flywheel. The 145 deg indexing is as close as can be had using standard available parts.