I have (literally), a ton or more of NOS bearings. Many/most are from boxes marked "CATERPILLAR". Many boxes have deteriorated to a point CAT#s can not be read. Unfortunately the bearings inside these boxes are never marked CAT. They are marked Fafnir, Timken, etc. etc.. If you could find any cross #s I will be watching or PM me.
Plug your Cat bearing numbers into the interchange "Caterpillar x-Ref" here...
I have (literally), a ton or more of NOS bearings. Many/most are from boxes marked "CATERPILLAR". Many boxes have deteriorated to a point CAT#s can not be read. Unfortunately the bearings inside these boxes are never marked CAT. They are marked Fafnir, Timken, etc. etc.. If you could find any cross #s I will be watching or PM me.
If you can come up with a set of books from I.B.I. International Bearing Interchange they will have all the bearings cross referenced .
These are not published anymore but if you can find a set they will solve your dilemma .
Good luck
Thanks bluox I will look around for these books. I did a couple part number searches where om suggested at general gear site, also looks good for cross referencing. Floyd green, I plan to rebuild steering clutches and check transmission and main clutch bearings on d4 7u. I will work on sending you a pm. I think I'm just a few hours drive away from you.
Bluox, how many pages are in each volume? I had a look online and the only ones I could find were in libraries. NYPL has one and they will scan 50 pages per request and I'm sure that book is 1000 pages long
I posted this information for Mr. Green who has a lot of bearings to look up.
These books are not easy to find but, in his case, would be worth it.
For everyone else they just need to get ahold of a parts store and they have all of the bearing interchange on their computers.
I realized that after I had made my last comment. I was reading this post backwards from your last comment and and assumed you were saying this to me. I don't mean to step on anybodies toes, I just misunderstood the way this discussion was going.
You aren't steeping on anyone's ,it's your post.
As I pointed out if you are looking for replacement bearings take your Cat part number to a bearing or auto parts store,
they have a bearing cross reference in their computer.
This part was directed at you.