Getting my D4 7U 9689 up and running, I had to pull the governor to get the starting pinion out. For any concerned about messing with a governor, it was an easy removal, once I saw that I had to remove the lower bolt holding the governor spring, I could then unbolt the lever that links to the injection pump. I found this to be an efficient design. As I was in that far, I figured, might as well pull the injection pump and replace the 2 o-rings 8B4967 and the cam seal 4B4865. As a side note, I used a 12” C-clamp to help pull/press in the o-ring at the end of the fuel galley, its tight, but with some dull screwdrivers, I had it pulled/pressed in, in about 10 minutes. Glad I made the effort to do the work, what I found was the front o-ring was leaking, the end cap o-ring was fine, the cam seal was completely worn. Sorry for the long play-by-play, but I found the fuel galley had been rusting, and it had accumulated a good amount of rust at the 4th pump. I removed the pumps, and carefully honed the fuel galley, clearing it all out well with spray brake and carb cleaner. The 4th ferrule was clogged, I got that cleared and polished. Part of the ferrule had corroded, but I don’t think I should try to mess with it—thoughts, difficult to pull or press in? What would you suggest I do on the injector line, I figured I would try to blow it out, to make sure it is clear? Also, anything I can/should do for the 4th injector, I believe chances are good that it has crud in it. Thoughts/advice? Thanks.