use it, it may stop leaking, if not keep 'em full till you find a adjustment spanner. they mostly leak because its not used. good luck
Thank you.....I will try that......what adjustment spanner are you talking about?
If he is leaking inside the sprocket there are no adjustement the seal has to be change
but if it outside you can adjusted the seal with the holder and the end nut.
get the tractors operator manual about the spanner and its use.
It is leaking from inside behind the sproket and leaking out of the two large holes on the bottom of the inspection plate for lack of better terms.
IF he is leaking bihind the sprocket you need to removed the sprocket and change
that seal and if he is leak at bottom the inspection plate should be worn or the large
hole should be the vidange plug is loosed
Thanks, Will I need to pull that plate to tighten the plug?